Improve Your Health Wealth Happiness CONSULT DETAILS

(FREE feed-back about your Purpose in Life based on your Horoscope is available)


  • EMAIL – $40 for the first email consult; $20 for follow up discussion on any particular issue you would like to pursue further. 

Working with your Horoscope, the first email consult will provide you with more detailed information about what your Horoscope give us about your Life Purpose/Destiny than provided by my FREE feed-back offer available [see above].  Based upon my interpretation of your Horoscope’s information, any discussion we have in relation to this first consult may help you decipher whether you/your Personality are on track in relation to how you are meant to ‘shine’ in life or be creative.  This consult serves to help you see how your current life situation compares with my interpretation of the ‘blueprint’ of your Life that your Horoscope provides. 

Ongoing consults will enable discussion to continue in relation to living out any personal sense of Purpose in Life that you may have, or any other particular desire, focusing on getting it is that you want in Life in relation to these.  I promote a range of options that help people to both pursue and achieve what they desire in life, whether or not consciously aware of any sense of personal Purpose in Life or Destiny.


  • PHONE - $15 per 15 minutes.  These calls can happen with or without your Horoscope as the starting point.  Conversation will cover various aspects of Living a Life that you want to live.


  • SEMINARS: Education of the Sciences that support Human self-development

-  Via Skype:    $50 per hour (get a group together and share the cost)

-   In Person:    $50 per hour plus travelling expenses/time.  (Available FREE within 5k of St Marys, South Australia or get a group together and share the cost)

Main Topics offered:

  • Self-Mastery - how to get what you want in Life
  • Meditation
  • Esoteric Psychology
  • Astrology




 Victoria Powell 
 MSE-Esoteric Psychology : Dip Astro (FAA) : Self Mastery 

PHONE:  AUSTRALIA 08 8277 2210

                 THE POWER IS IN THE NOW