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development, inquiry, and information stir human consciousness and in doing so, indicate that Astrology has a relevant place
for all of us.
ASTROLOGY is known as a "map" of unfoldment that is This website offers its readers insight into the Human’s life journey, which relates to both the ‘self’s’ Outside (the external) and Inside (the internal) experiences. During the latter half of the twentieth century, there has been huge growth in Human philosophical development. As part of this development, the human’s search for information about its inner development has been ‘stirred’ in the consciousness of individuals in Western influenced communities. As a result, astrologers have recognised changes in people’s action from that which is described by Exoteric astrological terms to action described in Esoteric astrological terms. Paralleling this current accelerated escalation of ‘self’ consciousness in Western society has been the development of awareness that is available for the application of Astrology. Humans born during the early half of the twentieth century have been able to witness huge and dramatic changes that have become part of the Western process of daily living. For example, the use of electricity, the telephone, radio and television, and information technology. Computers now enable their users to link with other users all around the world. While many think this type of development is good, those with alternative views have questioned what this development may represent in terms of Humanity’s development. This escalation in the external world also parallels the Human’s inner world, where, just as more happens around us, more is happening within. However, both individually and collectively, it is easy for people to be ‘caught up’ in the external events that surround them and lose ‘sight’ of what is happening within them.
ABOUT ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY The study of Esoteric Astrology presented on this website describes an evolution of Human thinking and behaviour that is likely to be part of the development of Humanity as this current expansion of activity on Earth continues. This development is heralded by the incoming ‘new age’of Aquarius. The development of ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY parallels the Human ‘sighting’ of Pluto and the Earth’s realignment
to the star constellation of Aquarius.
Exoteric Astrology describes the potential of Human life development before an attunement to the spiritual component of Human existence described by Ageless Wisdom principles. This astrology deals with the characteristics and qualities of the developing human while living a ‘life’ that lacks awareness of Soul. This form of astrology describes mundane events that Humans experience. It deals with life events and circumstances that are experienced by the human, dealing with a range of Earth-bound reactions that become stimulated during a human’s ‘life’.
Esoteric Astrology describes Human spiritual development Earth. It deals with Human qualities and activities that develop as individual humans undergo an unfoldment of consciousness, which goes beyond a consciousness of Earth ‘life’s’ material existence. Esoteric Astrology describes the use of Human behaviour that develops as humans individually attune to Soul during their life. While the same symbols are employed in both Exoteric and Esoteric Astrology, Esoteric Astrology works with an additional understanding of the planets and signs, which relates to an inner working, or Soul direction, of the Human. Esoteric Astrology is a science that has been intuitively developing over the past 100 years to produce new understandings. These new understanding help explain shifts in Human consciousness associated with the current ‘dawning’ of the Age of Aquarius.
ABOUT THE PLANETS SUN Exoterically, the Sun in a natal horoscope refers to a sense of ego that an individual human could develop as they grow into adulthood. The position of a natal Sun signifies an important area of ‘life experience’ for a human. This area of ‘life’ experience is significant in the development of a human’s Personality traits. The Sun’s aspects to other planets in the Horoscope indicate other areas of ‘life’ that influence this development. Correlating with the needed life-giving energy of the Sun as it rises each day in the east to ‘shine’ upon Earth during the day, a Horoscope’s Sun represents that ‘inner spark’ in a person that is meant to grow and ‘shine’ into life. It represents the ego that exists behind a Natal Horoscope’s Ascendant persona (see Ascendant Signs). It is the Sun part of a human’s birth-map, or Horoscope, that is meant to be developed in ‘life’. The human ego has to increase in glow and strength so that a human ‘life’ can achieve its culmination.
Esoterically, the Sun describes Human talent that is required to be developed and put to use in Soul’s work. However, before this can happen, humans have to grow and develop a maturity that has an appropriate sense of ego that will allow human talent to be put to good use for Soul’s purpose on Earth. As a human matures, there needs to be an individualized sense of Personality developing, which allows the talents described by the Sun to ‘shine’ into the world. These talents can then be employed in ways described by the Ascendant sign of the Horoscope.
MOON Exoterically, the Moon refers to instinctual patterns and drives connected with the emotional element or nature that Humans are born with. A growing child works with these instinctual traits early in their life. The Moon also describes the maternal influence or nurturance received as a child and the child’s primary emotional needs. Representing the instinctual component of an individual’s nature, the Moon indicates activity that an individual human is familiar with from their day of birth. This aspect of the ‘self’ provides individual humans with a personal sense of security as their ‘life’ unfolds. The positive traits signified by the Moon in a Natal Horoscope work to support the humans in their personal ‘life’ growth. An individual’s Moon traits need to be employed in positive ways as their ‘life’ develops towards the maturity signified by their Sun. Similar to the Moon coming into the sky at night, the natal Moon represents a less 'life’-stimulating energy than that of the Sun. The Moon’s shape is always changing as it rises in the night-sky, with its fullness and light decreasing to a point where it is not able to be seen during a day-cycle (as its moves closer to the Sun’s point of travel in the sky during the lunar cycle).
Esoterically it is also not necessary for the Moon’s characteristics to ‘shine’ daily. As the Personality signified by the Sun develops, the Moon qualities are still within the human, but they do not need to be seen or expressed as part of Soul purpose. Instead, it is talent connected with the Sun in a Horoscope that needs to be ‘shining’ in life. However, the Natal Moon also signifies ‘blocks’, or negatives, that individual humans need to be free from in order to develop their ability to work from the level of intuition or Soul in their ‘life’. While a human remains attached to the material, or Earth-bound’, focussed emotional compulsions and attachments, which are connected the Natal Moon, keeping human individual linked to their ‘past‘, this prevents Sun tasks ‘shining’ for a ‘higher good’ in ‘life’ and a human’s conscious participation in the creation of their ‘life’. The ability to synthesize ‘life’ energies productively cannot occur. Once a human is able to work productively with the Exoteric and Esoteric energies, as represented in their Horoscope, a refinement of character and Personality traits takes place. The human has been released from their negative instinctual emotional nature, with urges and feelings, which are more in keeping with the Will of Soul replacing them.
THE ASCENDANT (or Rising Sign) Exoterically this area of a Horoscope describes a new entity’s first experience of ‘life’ on Earth. Working with astronomical calculations for the time of an entity's birth, the Zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon of the place of birth at that time is known the Ascendant sign of a Horoscope. Just as the Sun rises on the eastern horizon each day to come into view, the Ascendant area symbolises a human’s ‘coming’ into Human ‘life’. This area of the Natal chart symbolizes a human’s first experience of Earth ‘life’. It helps describe an entity’s manner of entry into the human world and a human's view of their world on Earth. It indicates a person’s expectations from other people around them when they venture into the world, their reaction to distressing challenging ‘life’ situations that they are confronted with, and how they are likely to present themselves to people when away from safe places, such as home. As well as describing the mode of action and persona traits likely to be stimulated from within when venturing into new situations in ‘life’, the Ascendant also represents the first impression that an individual human is likely to make on others when coming into contact with new associations or situations.
Esoterically the Ascendant is a major indicator of the way that an individual human’s awareness of Soul and Soul Purpose develops. The rising Zodiac sign indicates behavioural traits and qualities that are to be stimulated for the expression of Soul Purpose as Soul works to make its influence known in an individual’s life. The rising sign describes the format that an individual is required to develop for the implementation of their Soul task. It helps to describe the way that the collectively aimed work of a ‘Soul-Infused’ individual is to be presented to Humanity.
About ZODIAC SIGN symbolism ARIES represents the beginning of creation · the coming of an ‘idea’ into consciousness; the start of the new
The Desired result of Aries: Through the fiery Aries process of initiation an ability to implement ideas into action develops. Then, via the connecting principle symbolized by Mercury, an individual is able to connect with, motivate, and lead others based upon a ‘right’ understanding of what underlies Human activity. This leads to the development of a power that works to ensure’ right’ action; of the ‘right use of will’ that allows Humanitarian purpose to proceed
TAURUS represents the material form of creation · the physical form needed for an idea to exist
The Desired result of Taurus: Through earthy Taurus stability, the needed grounding in physical form takes place. Then, via the imploding principle symbolized by Vulcan, an individual understands how detachment from Earth-bound desire allows the expression of the transcended beauty of Soul to be realized. This leads to the illumination and uplifting of Human awareness; of recognizing that determined and steadfast creativity is needed to support productive Humanitarian growth
GEMINI represents the energy connection within creation · the movement between the different points of an idea; the learning of the interplay that enables a fusion of opposites
The Desired result of Gemini: Through the airy Gemini ability to search and blend, the necessary adjustment of contrast can be understood. Then, via the love and joy principles symbolized by Venus, an individual promotes the establishment of harmonious communication processes, and the development of ‘right’ ideas that support peace and goodwill. This leads to the development of skills which enable harmonious links between humans; of seeing the internal order which exists within the chaos of Human life and understanding the Human drive for connection
CANCER represents the foundational support of creation · a firm base of support is established; the basics needed for an idea to survive
The Desired result of Cancer: Through watery Cancer sensitivity, an instinctual protective need for a secure ‘home’ environment is stimulated. Then, via the all-encompassing principle symbolized by Neptune, a greater awareness that ‘nothing is ever lacking’ develops to allow foundational resources to be utilized and offered to ‘many’. This leads to the viewing of ‘family’ as the whole of Humanity‘; of seeing the need for ‘loving inclusively’ to exist as the basic foundation for Humanity
LEO represents the consciousness of creation · creativity and awareness combine; the idea is now recognized
The Desired result of Leo: Through the fiery Leo process of self-creativity, the personal task of radiating powerful and creative inspiration is activated. Then, via the enlightenment principle symbolized by the Sun, an individual recognises that the principle of life existing within Human physical form is an extension of Universal creativity. This leads to the concept
of ‘humanness’ as the main focus on Earth being overcome; of recognising the Universal life principle which exists
in all, and the associated need for
VIRGO represents the perfection of creation · the need for an idea and all its parts to be clearly recognised and understood; of wholeness that supports an idea
The Desired result of Virgo: Through earthy Virgo practicality, the process of building a purposeful result is undertaken. Then, via the nurturing principle symbolized by the Moon, an individual supports the needed practical discrimination, effort, and wholeness that ensure the creation of ideal form. This leads to an understanding of practical truth; of the needed order and structure which allows wholesome activity to function within Humanity
LIBRA represents the balance within creation · the need for the correct orientation of all the parts if an idea is to succeed; of how the balance of an idea is achieved
The Desired result of Libra: Through the airy Libra process of harmoniously relating develops an ability to see that differing components need to be considered before any choice of action is undertaken. Then, via the inspiration principle symbolized by Uranus, an individual is able to see how a balanced integration of the old with the new is possible. This leads to ‘right’ relationship and unity between the parts of a situation; of knowing that Humanitarian challenges need to work with ‘right’ use of mind based upon the Will to Good
SCORPIO represents the transformation preceding creation · the need to remove that which holds back an idea’s progress; the growth that allows the new
The Desired result of Scorpio: Through the watery Scorpio process of intense, deep penetration develops an ability to connect with the truth of a matter. Then, via courage and determination symbolized by Mars, an individual is able to undertake beneficial action which facilitates the purification of form. This leads to a greater insight necessary for creative Humanitarian development; of being able to stimulate the purification of desire which ensures Human growth
SAGITTARIUS represents the direction that guides creation · the need to pave the way for the vision of an idea ; the goal is now clearly seen
The Desired result of Sagittarius: Through the fiery Sagittarian process of expansion, the stimulation towards a quest is experienced. Then, via the grounding principle symbolized by Earth, an individual becomes the ‘path-walker’ who guides the way for ideas to come into action. This leads to the provision of the knowledge and
direction which enables Humanitarian development to expand;
CAPRICORN represents the materialization of creation · the needed hard work, discipline, and responsibility that ensures an idea’s attainment; the achievement which leads to a result
The Desired result of Capricorn: Through the earthy Capricorn process of responsible utilization of resources, result is achieved. Then, via the authoritative influence symbolized by Saturn, an individual becomes the overseer of a process, working with the necessary knowledge for making ‘right’ choice. This leads to having the wisdom that enables the harnessing of creative potential; of recognizing the implications upon Humanity if the lessons learnt from experience are not adhered to
AQUARIUS represents the sharing of creation · the sharing of creativity with others; the ‘idea’ becomes available to all
The Desired result of Aquarius: Through the airy Aquarian process of detachment to ‘normal’ binds, innovative ideas are experienced. Then, via the expansive influence symbolized by Jupiter, an individual is drawn towards supporting new ideas which have an expansive and beneficial influence upon Humanity. This leads to the gaining of insight about the wider scope of Human necessity; of being supportive of collective networking so that new ideas can be implemented within the Human Race
PISCES represents the realisation of creation · the ‘sacrifice’ of the old to allow the ‘new’; the completion of a re-orientation of consciousness
The Desired result of Pisces: Through watery Pisces sensitivity, the need to merge with ‘something’ that leads to an experience greater than already known is recognized. Then, via the transforming influence of Pluto, an individual recognizes the truth of greater knowledge and purpose, and the need to implement changes that allow truer benefit for Humanity. This leads to the development of a deeper devotion to greater ‘truth’; of implementing knowledge which leads to undertakings that assist Humanitarian re-orientation
MOON in a Sign symbolism
MOON IN ARIES - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to activate new undertakings
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by getting ‘things’ started in impulsive and passionate ways. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to motivate activity, the ability to stimulate action can now work to allow the creative expression of other’s action.
MOON IN TAURUS - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to connect with material form
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by being creative and surrounding self with objects that satisfy self-interest. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to create form, the ability to creative can now influence others in their creative development of form.
MOON IN GEMINI - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to connect mentally to material reality
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by being involved with a variety of interests and by mixing with a variety of people. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to understand ideas, and share them with others, the ability to communicate understanding can now benefit the knowledge gathering of others.
MOON IN CANCER - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to protect and support life
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by protecting and nurturing family members or other close relationships. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to nurture and nourish others, the ability to support and share resources with others can now function to assist others in the gaining of security.
MOON IN LEO - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to develop self-consciousness
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by being able to self-creatively attract other people’s attention and be loved and adored by all. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill for tapping into personal talents, the ability to develop creative talent can now work to stimulate the talents of others.
MOON IN VIRGO - Relates to the Human’s instinctual need for ‘perfection’ of form
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by gathering resources and working with them to produce a practical result. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill for recognising the purposeful parts of an idea and bringing them together, the ability to realise wholeness of form can now work to improve ‘wholeness’ the other’s.
MOON IN LIBRA - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to merge with another
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by forming co-operative partnerships with other people. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to co-join people, the ability to activate harmony in relationships can now work to help the better connections of others.
MOON IN SCORPIO - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need for self-empowerment
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by having power over objects of desire. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to gain power over emotionally driven desires, the ability to empower control over irrational desires can now assist the development of healthier life outcomes for others.
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to aspire
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by undertaking activity that supports the aspiration and attainment of personal goals. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to strive and attain goals, the ability to motivate and inspire can now work to guide others in the attaining of goals.
MOON IN CAPRICORN - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need for control over matter
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by controlling surrounding objects and people in order to gain personal benefit. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill to control and develop tasks that assist the practical materialisation of reward, the ability to organise and structure resources can now assist others in the manifestation of their goals.
MOON IN AQUARIUS - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to look for difference and change
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by merging with groups of people who are seen as variant and ‘different’ to others. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill for recognising and supporting difference, the ability to support creative and unusual ideas can now work to attract their greater acceptance.
MOON IN PISCES - Relates to the Human’s basic instinctual need to connect to ‘sensitive’ realities
Exoterically - The fulfilment of emotional desire is served by finding ways to escape from life’s harsh realities. Esoterically - Having worked with an instinctual skill for avoiding engagement with Earth-bound insensitivities, the ability to recognise structures that prevent loving interplay between people can now help to enable their removal. ASCENDANT SIGN SYMOLISMARIES risingExoterically Aries indicates the drive to express ideas into the world. It represents an ‘instinctual’ quality that enables a quick, fiery reaction to be offered to any presented challenge. The individual can be seen as courageous, eager, and sometimes foolhardy, as well as someone who willingly stands up for their own or other people's causes. Esoterically, the ‘knowing’ of how a new idea needs to be expressed is enabled. The undertaking of ‘right’ action now occurs, allowing ideas to connect to Human consciousness. The individual works with intuitively based response as ideas are penetrated into form. An individual enables opportunity for the initiation of ideas that support Human collective good TAURUS risingExoterically Taurus indicates the drive to manifest and possess physical objects. It represents the ability to deliberate, which allows the ‘taking of one’s time’ so that an appreciation of the beauty and charm of form can develop. The individual is seen as reliable, being guided by a strong sense of caution, which leads to a reluctance to try new things. An underlying determination, or strong will, drives them to maintain a hold on what they surround themselves with in life. Esoterically, the ability to see something more ‘real’ in the materialism that surrounds Humans is enabled. The individual is able to recognise the element of Soul within physical form, ‘knowing’ that this ‘light of life’ is greater than any external ‘beauty’. An individual enables opportunity that frees people from their sub-conscious attachment to the material aspect of Human life GEMINI rising
Exoterically Gemini indicates the drive to experience versatility and variety through the medium of communicating. It represents the ability to gain and share knowledge by linking with people in many varied ways. The love of movement and change leads the individual to experiencing as much as possible about life. They can be seen as superficial, wasting energy, generally attempting to walk down two different paths at the same time. Esoterically, the action of creative linking, which allows knowledge and ideas to be communicated in ways that lead to peace and unity between different ideas and purpose, is enabled. The individual has developed an ability to see how a connection between life’s contrasts allows for greater Human creativity.
An individual enables opportunity for the linking of Human minds and ideas, and for recognition of the collective need to be connected.
CANCER rising Exoterically Cancer indicates the drive of self-preservation. It represents the ability to connect to surrounding support systems that are needed to support and nurture human survival in life. The individual appears to have a very subjective slant on life, seeming to be ‘hidden’ in a realm of personal emotion and fear, which is associated with emotional insecurity. This slant remains until it is replaced with a clear and more objective understanding of life. Esoterically, the action of establishing foundations, which supports the sharing of resources with others, is enabled. The individual recognizes that it is Universal consciousness or spirit that surrounds and supports life all of the time.
An individual enables opportunity for support systems to be developed as they work to establish tasks that facilitate a more cohesive Human Family. LEO rising
Exoterically Leo indicates the drive for the ‘self’ to be recognized by all. It represents the ability to take action to ‘shine’ self outwards and be at the centre of an activity, sharing other people’s’ attention with no one else. Along with the need for fun, an individual can appear to possess a childlike craving, which requires a very high approval rate from people around them. The creative development of physical attractiveness is seen as necessary to secure the love that is perceived to be needed from another. Esoterically,the development of a self-consciousness, which uses love to creatively interact with all coming into contact with, is enabled.The individual feels the need to ‘shine’ love, instead of ‘shining’ to receive love, and works to stimulate the creativity of others. Growth towards an evolved sense of self-love and individuality, which functions within the group, now serves to inspire others.
An individual enables opportunity for love-consciousness to be recognised. This allows people to see past ‘self’ and work towards developing their creativity as an expression of love that works as part of the creative Force of Humanity.
VIRGO rising
Exoterically Virgo indicates the drive to ensure that there is a place for everything and that everything is in its place. It represents the ability to affect ‘perfect’ form. The individual appears to need to work towards producing practical results, having a strong resourcefulness for recognizing solutions for problems. The work ‘ethic’ is a major consideration in their decision-making. Esoterically, the enabling of ‘perfection’ in the formulation of practical tasks is enabled. Understanding how all facets of a task need to be integrated for the proper functioning of the task, the individual knows that proper synthesis is a required part of some successful collective purpose.
An individual enables opportunity for the ‘perfect’ picture, which Humanity has to work with, to be understood. The practical purpose of some physical form, which is required in the aim of Service to Humanity, is able to be recognized. LIBRA rising
Exoterically Libra indicates the drive to obtain harmony and peace. It represents the ability to see both sides of a situation and work towards ensuring the co-operation of others. The individual can be seen to compromise their individuality in order to please others. They want to avoid being labelled ‘bad guy’ if other people are not pleased by their choices and find themselves easily caught in the middle of a situation. Esoterically, the balance that follows the development of harmonious co-operation and fluid interchange is enabled. The individual becomes aware of the importance of relationship on all levels. The need for ‘right’ attitude in relation to a task remaining effective is recognised. The need for right values, good judgement, and ethical laws, so that collective activity can function harmoniously, is understood.
An individual enables opportunity for balanced perspectives to be established in relationships. ‘Right’ human relations are facilitated between all sectors of Humanity. SCORPIO rising
Exoterically Scorpio indicates the drive to face conflict in order to have personal desire fulfilled. It represents the ability to oppose any undesirable action that stands in the way of an outcome. The individual is seen as able to recognise the strengths and weaknesses that surround them, choosing easily to take advantage of them in order to achieve a personally desire. Esoterically, an ability to promote the necessary refinement or change for a task to proceed is enabled. The individual works to promote the healing or a rebirth of attitudes that stand in the way of collective progress.
An individual enables opportunity for the development of new understandings and attitudes that empower positive Humanitarian growth. SAGITTARIUS rising
Exoterically Sagittarius indicates the drive to undertake action that facilitates expansion towards new horizons. It represents the ability to avoid physical and mental limitations. The individual is seen to undertake action that maintains their personal freedom as they pursue personal goal after personal goal. Esoterically, the development of aspiration, which relates to a more expansive reality that is based upon the ability of conscious direction in life, is enabled. The individual has accumulated knowledge and experience that works to support others in quests of collective purpose.
An individual enables opportunity for the development of one-pointed focus, which incorporates the knowledge-infused steps that work to support the attainment of greater collective goals. CAPRICORN rising
Exoterically Capricorn indicates the drive to produce controlled, ordered activity. It represents the ability to structure and organise effort consistently. The individual is seen as fearful and serious, not taking life lightly. They have a strong sense of right and wrong, and work with the need to act responsibly, which impacts upon any action they take. Esoterically, an ease in formulating and structuring effort for an appropriate result is enabled. The individual relates to larger scale responsibilities as forms of loving service instead of heavy burdens and restrictions.
An individual enables opportunity for the development of practical and responsible effort, which works to support beneficial Humanitarian schemes.
Exoterically Aquarius indicates the drive towards being involved with the ‘new’ and be detached from status quo. It represents an ability to express individuality in unusual ways. The individual is seen to associate with like-minded ‘others’ who are similarly interested in non-mainstream behaviour. Esoterically, the support for group action in the service of ‘group good’ is enabled. The individual works to establish networks that work to allow the development of new processes for the benefit if collective purpose.
An individual enables opportunity for the development of collective effort, which leads to increasing the level of group unity within Humanity. PISCES rising
Exoterically Pisces indicates the drive to identify with ‘all’ that exists. It represents an ability to experience extreme sensitivity, which enables a connection to varying levels of awareness. The individual is seen as sensitive, having a need for compassion and love on a daily basis, which leads to ‘internal’ conflict when an environment does not contain this energy. Esoterically, action based on spiritual strength and an understanding of the power of love and compassion is enabled. The individual sees the overall picture, recognizing what is needed and where changes have to be made so that collective interaction will be able to function in more compassionate and loving ways.
An individual enables opportunity for the alteration of unconscious patterns, which are responsible
for holding back the growth of collective Human love and unity.
The Science of Esoteric Astrology assists people to understand the unfoldment of Soul consciousness in the Human realm. Esoteric Astrology focuses upon the development of Soul Purpose in Humans. This Science describes the three stages of evolution involved in Human development. These stages of evolution relate to the connection of Soul and Soul Purpose to Human activity. In relation to this science, I connect the word Christ with the spiritual energy of Soul. The word Christ can also be connected with the ‘energy’ that is known to reside in all matter on Earth. Via Human connection to this ‘energy’ within, Divine influence is able to work to influence collective Human growth. The Human body has been promoted by various spiritual philosophies as the ‘house’ or home of the Soul, and this ‘energy’ within does not function the same way in the Animal Kingdom. However, on the Earth plane of physical manifestation, the energy of Soul remains ‘hidden’ within Human form until such time as a human is ready to register consciously with Soul energy and purpose. In Esoteric Astrology, the stages of Human consciousness involved in the Human’s development of Soul and Soul Purpose are a paramount focus of its use. These stages have earned the name of Crosses. The following quotes are taken from Alice A Bailey’s written work, Esoteric Astrology:
“The Cross of the Hidden Christ—The Mutable Cross
The Cross of the Crucified Christ—The Fixed Cross
The Cross of the Risen Christ—The Cardinal Cross”
“1. The Mutable Cross - The Cross of changing and absorbed experience. This is the place of action and of reaction, of karmic control and of response to impacts leading to the awakening of consciousness to the natural goal ahead. 2. The Fixed Cross - The Cross of Transmutation - Desire becomes aspiration, and selfishness is transformed into selflessness. 3. The Cardinal Cross - The Cross of Transcendence. Personality life and form life and planetary life no longer control. The man stands free.”
Myths, beliefs, and religions have also made similar references to Human developmental stages that symbolize the carrying of a ‘burden’, a crucifixion or death, and then a re-birth.
1st STAGE: Esoterically known as the Mutable Cross. Here the Human lives in an unconscious, non-individualized state of awareness of ‘life’ in form, producing primary behaviour that is associated with the instinctual awareness of the animal world. This is the STAGE for the use of EXOTERIC ASTROLOGY The Zodiac’s Mutable signs represent this 1st STAGE. The mutable signs describe the action of the ‘search for experience’, which is a basic quality of the Human. This Mutable phase describes the Human response to ‘life’, which is influenced by consciousness that works from instinctual desire. Here a human is unable to register a difference between conscious choice and the instinctual urge that drives action. When Human action is influenced by this stage of consciousness, a human has very little recognition of Soul energy working within them.
GEMINI - AIR: the experience of relating to, and communicating with, many different people in many different places and ways VIRGO - EARTH: the experience of connecting with material form SAGITTARIUS - FIRE: the experience of activity that expands life’s horizons PISCES - WATER: the experience of emotional stimulation and sensation response
The goal of this stage is an awakening to the knowledge and rational intelligence that underlies life experience.
2nd STAGE: Esoterically known as the Fixed Cross. This is a transformational stage of life in which humans develops their previously indiscriminate or instinctually reactive behaviour into activity that functions in life with a clearer orientation of expression. This stage heralds a Human undertaking to move away from indiscriminate or instinctual action in ‘life’ to that of action that is more conscious. Here a human starts to work with a sense of purpose that comes from ‘intuition’, and their ‘life’ direction starts to involve the disciplines of diet, exercise, study, with some involvement in service being undertaken, which facilitates the development of a newer expression of the ‘love’ principle in their ‘life’. A link between Soul and the developing Human Personality becomes more consciously known during this stage, as there is a greater degree of awakening to this influence in a human’s ‘life’. Individually a human is working in his or her own particular field of creative expression, wanting to contribute to Humanitarian service or collective Human growth. This stage is one of repeated crises of orientation as it works towards enabling the human to adjust to a Soul influenced life.This is a STAGE for the use of ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY. The Zodiac’s Fixed signs represent this 2nd STAGE. The fixed signs represent an increase in the development of Human consciousness, which allows more refinement to, and definition of, the Human’s use of energy and Humanity’s collective spiritual development. Consciousness is developing away from instinctual action in ‘life’ towards conscious aspiration as the main motivation of ‘life’ activity. This is a stage of ‘tension’ where an individual becomes increasingly aware of the duality involved in the relationship between Soul and Personality, and involved is a deep desire to unite the two. In this stage, tests and trials are undergone as the Human Personality becomes refined in preparation for the 3rd stage.
TAURUS - EARTH: a consciousness of the relationship of self to matter LEO - FIRE: a consciousness of an individualised ‘self’ SCORPIO - WATER: a consciousness of the relationship between external focused desires and the desires of the inner ‘self’ AQUARIUS - AIR: a consciousness of group ‘Self’
Here the consciousness and purpose of Soul becomes recognised, which allows an understanding of the true nature of Love to maximize.
3rd STAGE: Esoterically known as the Cardinal Cross. This is the stage of ‘responsible creation’ crises, which relates to the area in ‘life’ of Service to Humanity. Such crises lead to increased development of the Plan for the overall benefit of Humanity. Here the individual Human is at the most spiritually advanced stage of development in ‘life’, having become motivated to undertake some Humanitarian task that involves the greatest responsibility in some task. This is the stage of Selfless Service, which aims to benefit Humanity.This is a STAGE for the use of ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY The Zodiac’s Cardinal signs represent this 3rd STAGE. The cardinal signs represent ‘action’ that is necessary when Soul Purpose is able to function in service to Humanity. Now there is complete unity between Soul and the Human: there is no alternating between Human instinctual desire and Soul-driven aspiration. ‘Life’ is motivated by pure Spiritual Will and intent. The tests of transformation have been passed and the Human is now the instrument for Soul in life.
ARIES - FIRE: the promotion of ideas that stimulate new activity CANCER - WATER: the motivation to nurture and support some new activity LIBRA - AIR: the promotion of values that guide the development of new activity CAPRICORN - EARTH: the promotion of responsible structuring and organisation of new activity
Human life has become lovingly more impersonal and Human Form fulfils an advanced role in life.
The Zodiac’s symbolism of the Human journey.
The Universal Mind’s idea of Soul in Form ARIES represents the coming of an idea into consciousness. The initiation of ideas. An idea’s stimulation before it externalizes into form. The ensuring of an idea’s ‘birth’ into consciousness; the direction of mind is revealed.
Human form materializes as the house of Soul TAURUS represents an idea’s need for physical form. With the form of an idea recognised, it can be created. The strength, determination, and stability that supports the manifestation of an idea.
Intelligence within Human form GEMINI represents the ‘thinking’ and communication that allow an idea to develop. The ‘knowing’ of the parts of an idea, and their potential unity. The ‘mind-use’ that allows an idea to be known; the ‘knowing’ of the detail of an idea.
Soul manifests into Human Form
CANCER represents the secure foundation needed for an idea to manifest. An environment that supports an idea. The provision of a secure support system; the foundation that an idea can work from.
Soul consciousness manifests
LEO represents the creative consciousness needed for an idea to develop. The creative potential within an idea is recognised. The promoting of an idea’s creativity; an idea’s creativity is shown to others.
Soul and Human are one: the refinement of the Plan proceeds
VIRGO represents the synthesis needed for an idea’s practical function. The practical knowledge that supports an idea’s form. The production of ‘right’ form; the ‘knowing’ of how and where to use what is gathered.
Soul and Human come into balance
LIBRA represents the balance needed for the parts of an idea to unite and harmonise into action. An assessment of the steps that need to be taken to enable ongoing synthesis. The reflection on an idea before it can manifest; the ‘knowing’ of how a balanced result can be achieved.
Transformation allows Soul Purpose to manifest
SCORPIO represents the transformation needed for an idea to manifest. The strength and determination which is needed to secure an idea’s release from limitation. The enforcing of change for an idea to work; the ability to deal with such conflict.
Soul Purpose attainment SAGITTARIUS represents the ‘knowing’ of the steps that need to be taken in order to attain an idea’s manifestation. With knowledge and aspiration, an idea becomes possible. The forging ahead to a ‘goal’; ‘knowing’ the way that an idea manifests.
Soul Purpose manifestation
CAPRICORN represents the discipline that is needed for an idea to manifest. The direction and control of action that supports the attainment of an idea. The taking of responsibility for manifesting an idea; a result is achieved.
Soul Purpose comes into Collective focus AQUARIUS represents the collective sharing of an idea. With a break in tradition new ideas can manifest. The uniting with others for the sharing of an idea; the raising of awareness to a new idea.
Soul Purpose is undertaken
PISCES represents the merging of an idea into collective consciousness and action. With a creative ‘idea’ realized, it manifests into service. The connection of an idea into practise; the idea is established.
In Esoteric Psychology, a human’s level of consciousness is what determines how the Human qualities and traits that the Zodiac signs represent are likely to be used for Soul’s work. With each sign sitting in opposition to another in the circle of the Zodiac, six polarity groupings are formed. This polarity relationship represents the direct interplay that exists between each pair of Zodiac signs, and calls for a balance between the characteristics that they represent. Based upon this association, a description of the Zodiac’s six polarities follows. This description indicates how various Human qualities, which are astrologically associated with the Zodiac signs, are used by humans in the various levels of Humandevelopment.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the urge to gain knowledge and communicate information to others. Self is seen as limitless regarding life’s experiences. Intellectual qualities involve prejudices and exclusivity, and the belief that one’s own personal religious, philosophical, or intellectual beliefs are the ones that everyone should have.
GEMINI - Stimulated here is the wanting to merge with other people in any direction or way. An individual’s urge is for experience with others, and any experience will do. The focus of relating into the world is based upon how everyone or thing relates to the ‘own-self’’, and a sense of shared interchange at the objective level is lacking. Life revolves around personal opinions and the need to communicate them (even dominating other minds with egocentric opinions). There is a search for the opposites contained in ideas.
SAGITTARIUS - Working under the influence of the ‘desire-mind’, an individual’s urge to increase their life experience occurs without having any structure or inner truth to guide such expansion. With mental energy totally under the power and control of emotional desire, the mutable nature of the lower mind constantly creates many desires to be satisfied. If lower mind is used creatively, it is for the formulation of purpose and ideals that justify one’s own personal and limited world. Being neither focused nor directional, an individual finds self chasing after many externalized goals.
2nd STAGE development - Here mental activity is subjected to an orientation towards the evolution of consciousness. There is now an attraction towards communicating ideas for the direction of educating other people, serving to transform the existing ‘separative’ concepts of people who lack inclusive world views.
GEMINI - The orientation of relationship is acquired here. An individual works to harmonize self with others so that their life’s purpose may emerge through various forms of communication. An individual is on the path of harmonizing opposites for their use in greater forms of Human creative expression. Until able to sustain a greater focus on the esoteric level, a fluctuation in relationships may be experienced as they move between lower-self desire types and Soul energy types.
SAGITTARIUS - Here an individual is in the process of acquiring, and maintaining, a firm stance towards one single goal. The refining of purpose and goal orientation becomes a conscious task. An individual attains the necessary self-discipline that is needed to satisfy the more impersonal aims, and aspires to goals in a more practical manner. 3rd STAGE development - An ability to communicate the Divine Truth of life has developed, while an evolvement to the level of Great Teacher has aspired. GEMINI - An individual now acts as a conscious vehicle for the creation of harmonious intelligence and communication that links opposing forces in Humanity. Seen is the need for ‘right’ thinking, speaking and movement. Knowledge of ‘both sides’ of the relationship that exists within the Human realm has been gained.
SAGITTARIUS - Increasingly identifying with a Higher Mind, an individual has disassociated self from the pleasures and frustrations of Human duality, allowing intuition to develop to its fullest. Right Knowledge now merges with Earthly experience. Becoming the true visionary and prophet, the sage and teacher inspires Humanity towards adopting a new Universal philosophy for the betterment of Humanity.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the urge to recognise and connect with the ‘other’; that mysterious inner ‘something’ within another person, animal, or object - the subjective element within all life. There is a tendency towards diffusion and a lack of discrimination, with life in the practical form not perceived on any useful level.
VIRGO - Stimulated here is the urge to seek practical result coming from gathered information and material form. But even with a sensed need for wholeness of form in order to gain a practical result, a diffusion of skills and practical resources can result. An individual’s strong desire to gather objects and/or information can easily result in a cluttered life. Both the outer physical environment and the inner thoughts consist of many contrasting and conflicting pieces. Sudden and compulsive bouts of acquisition are likely to be experienced, along with trying to have everything in its ‘proper’ place. Alway looked for is a ‘perfected’ result from something, be it in mind or form.
PISCES - An individual’s urge here is to experience a connection with ‘feeling’; a connection with ‘sensitive’ form. This can lead to indiscriminate choice-making involving events of a sensitive nature. Pisces represents the ability of one energy to merge with another; of boundaries overcome. This leads to a strong sense of being everywhere at the same time, a lack of a centre within self, and being subjected to illusionary ideas because practical boundaries are lacking.
2nd STAGE development - Here the nurturing dynamic of both signs has become more developed to support, and bring in, practical life resources. With earlier diffusion inhibited, work can now function to firmly establish a proper synthesis of form. Healthier choices promoted work to incorporate a greater sense of identification with form. Wholeness based upon ‘right’ use of Mind and Love has been stimulated.
VIRGO - Here the process of discernment is at work. Having recognized the need for synthesis in form, an individual works to transform from an instinctual ‘gathering’ to a more focused field of self-orientation. Awareness of the need for the proper functioning of parts as they relate to the whole of any given situation has allowed a more refined state of orderliness to develop. Previously self-serving behaviour based on a fear of ‘lack in self (form)’ is replaced by awareness that there is a ‘Self to serve others’ that needs to be developed.
PISCES - Re-orientation has begun. Gained is a sense of direction within the basic fluidity of life (the fluidity between energy and form). The sensory world still pulls greatly at an individual’s sensitivity but this has transmuted into an artistic expression of form. There is an increasing need for, and capacity to, blend both the real and the ideal, the instinctive and intuitive, into a wholeness. With the practical tools developed to serve and release others from the ‘mind’ of suffering, sensitivity to others takes on a more grounded meaning and application.
3rd STAGE development - The Divine Mother works to nurture greater practical tasks while the World Savoir works to filter recognition of Christ Consciousness into Humanity.
VIRGO - An individual has taken on the task of working towards developing ‘wholeness of being’ at the collective level. The refining and synthesizing of the needed parts to allow the building of ‘right’ Humanitarian form.
PISCES - Here the personification of universal love, wisdom, devotion, and dedication, has developed. An individual has an ability to see where the necessary destruction of separatist thought forms and feelings inhibiting the flow of universal inclusivity is needed.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the urge for conscious recognition of self and of group. Of the ‘self’ who wants to be valued by others, and the ‘self’ who yearns to be part of a ‘like-minded’ group where ‘different’ ideas can be recognised and valued.
LEO - Stimulated here is the urge to seek continual identity acknowledgement and recognition from others. In order for their place in the world to be secure, an individual needs their ‘self’ importance to be recognised by the many people that they look to be surrounded by. They want to be seen and appreciated, based on admiration, even adoration, instead of an attraction based upon the truth of real Love.
AQUARIUS - The gaining of ‘self’ identity becomes blurred by the urge to remain ‘one among the many’. While an individual works for the recognition of their ‘self’ importance in society, it is more connected with rebelliousness, being drawn towards groups whose identities ‘stand out’ from mainstream society. This attraction can lead to involvements with an indiscriminate choice of people, groups, or life objectives, where radical ideas and actions are seen as disruptive to mainstream ideals.
2nd STAGE development - Here there an increase in the understanding that it is the recognition of ‘self’ as an independently functioning entity that is one of the most important factors in life. Gained is the sense of personal creativity that is to be worked with and shared with all. Individual creativity now starts to function within the creativity of group.
LEO - An individual becomes increasingly aware of the dynamics behind the use of creative self-expression. There is still a sense of ‘conflict’ between the strongly separative sense of ‘I’ and the attempts to assimilate and integrate a new developing sense of ‘self’’ with the Will of others. Developing is awareness that, by the ‘right use of Will’, a truer sense of the personal ‘self’ is developed by working with the many individuals that surround them.
AQUARIUS - Here self-development and personal ideas are opening up to wider social concepts that focus upon change for the benefit of society. An individual, having developed an ability to communicate new ideas to a larger audience outside their peer group, now leads others to actively network towards goals of positive social transformation. The urge to impress upon society through highly specialized group effort becomes modified by the need to participate in the development of a more inclusive consciousness between groups.
3rd STAGE development - The Enlightened Ruler leads others in the finding of their own creative self-expression, and the World Server works to promote the sharing of new ideas that support collective creativity.
LEO - An individual works towards increasing an awareness of the collective creative mind, functioning to inspire the group within which they serve. Instilling creative awareness in many others, they act as an integrating and power-filled expression of the collective Will-to-Good.
AQUARIUS - Here ideas are planetary in scope and selfless in intent. An individual stands firmly directed towards sharing a new and improved consciousness with Humanity, and works in ever widening circles of inter-group networking and communication.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the urge to recognize, and connect to, physical conflict over other’s possessions. form. An urge that underlies the Human’s powerful and destructive ‘desire’ nature, and which leads to
TAURUS - Here an individual is strongly attracted to creating the means for acquiring material possessions, and an abundance of them. The ‘sense’ of security is increased by the owning of possessions, and by experiencing the various sensory pleasures associated with them.
SCORPIO - Now motivation to act is stimulated by desiring the possessions that others have. An individual is attracted towards entering into situations where some form of conflict over possessions is likely to occur.
2nd STAGE development - An understanding of the real value of material form overtakes the earlier emotional drive and attachment to form. A more profound and deeper view of life allows the Human desire world of ‘lower ego’ to be left behind, replaced by a move towards increasingly embracing the ‘light of Love’ that works to liberate Humanity.
TAURUS - An individual now understands the need for both the detachment from material trappings and the development of refined self-values. The stimulus to create material form is used to improve the well-being of others, promoting ‘enlightened’ thinking.
SCORPIO - Now moving to support the life transitions of others, an individual moves from the earlier emotional and unconsciously driven desire state of thinking to a freedom of thought that involves an appropriate ‘use of mind’. Conflicts are still entered into, but now for what one consciously believes in, knowing that personality-centred battles are a waste of creative energy.
3rd STAGE development - With the Giver of Light working upon Humanity, the ‘light’ of true understanding allows true healing of Human Form, and the White Magician facilitates the transformation of ‘dark into light’.
TAURUS - Here there is a clear focus of sight, and the ‘Light of Life’ is perceived in all form. Having sensed the ‘truth’ of form, an individual is aware of the importance of the ‘idea’ behind form, and works to uplift Human consciousness.
SCORPIO - An ability to partake in conflict now leads an individual to partake in enlightened Humanitarian development. With Love Consciousness having victory over adversity, ‘right’ Human transformation comes into action.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the powerful urge to initiate ventures, bring ideas into action, and obtain a harmonious outcome.
ARIES - Here an individual is driven by emotion and passion to enter into activity that promotes a ‘cause’. But at this stage it is usually a personal cause. Involved is a ‘me-first’ attitude, and a lack of subjective awareness as to what drives them, and of how their action affects others. They are seen as headstrong but lacking direction, naive and unaware, having a strong sense of territorial domination which leads to conflict with others.
LIBRA - Wanting a harmonious result in all action undertaken, an individual’s attitude towards ‘others’ is for others to ‘be co-operative and do things my way’, attempting to manipulate them. With decision-making ability that leads to ‘right’ balance, and a sense of ‘right’ co-operation with others lacking, disharmony ensues. Indecisiveness about ideas also causes tension.
2nd STAGE development - Here ideas are able to be formulated to allow others to work towards establishing the ‘right working’ of a cause. An ability to see more clearly the areas that need to come into balance before any action can work in harmony has developed.
ARIES - An individual now leads the fight for the rights and well-being of others. Seen more clearly is a practical plan of action which involves some altruism, along with the relationship of the whole. Action serves as the vehicle for the initiation of other’s ideas, with conflict only entered into to reach a harmonious result.
LIBRA - Now able to clearly see ‘right’ ideas, an individual’s ability to guide balanced decision making is able to assist with the manifestation of ideas. An understanding of how to obtain harmonious synthesis has developed, and an ease for moving back and forth between opposing ideas when dealing with them. Compatibility between people comes into focus.
3rd STAGE development - The Great Leader works with greater mind-intelligence, and the Inspired Peacemaker confidently presents new ideas that inform Collective harmony.
ARIES - Now in touch with intuition, and not distracted by superficial issues, an individual has an ability to perceive the real principles underlying any life situation. Conscious decisions for the ‘right action of Will’ are made, with only the necessary battles for creating a greater peace undertaken. Supporting the harmonious Plan for Humanity, the expression of ideas is based on inclusive love.
LIBRA - As the personification of the Law of Right Human Relations, an individual works as an active agent in furthering peace, unity, and co-operation among people. Concerned with bridging and fusing ideals and attitudes, the Plan for Humanity is advanced. Dealing with a world of opposing duality, an individual is totally in touch with the common thread that joins and unites people.
1st STAGE development - Experienced here is the urge for control over basic life resources and structures. The basic instinctual animal urge to ‘mother’ that works to ‘nurture’ and control the young links with the basic Human urge to control and produce material outcome.
CANCER - Here action revolves around physical self-preservation and survival. This can result in an individual attaching self to others, becoming emotionally grasping and possessive. There is no clear knowing of what is coming from an individual’s mind and what is being absorbed from others around them. Lacking is an objective mind to protect a fragile sense of ego.
CAPRICORN - Driven towards achieving status and position outside the home, an individual’s urge is to have control over all activity that they are involved with. The responsibility of pressure can lead to a sense of restriction, with great concern suffered over any gains and losses incurred.
2nd STAGE development - An abundance of resources has been recognised. Now there is opportunity to unselfishly share love and nurture while objectivity developing proper structures and boundaries that serve to allow an expression of ‘right’ authority in life.
CANCER - Here an individual demonstrates the difference between instinctive self-protection and intelligently directed guidance regarding life activity. The perceptive and sensitive nature has combined with a growing sense of orientation and self-determinism, and strong psychic discrimination has emerged. An identity in the external objective world can be built for the creation of foundations which support the growth of others.
CAPRICORN - The previous urge towards personal achievement and control has transformed to allow a focus upon a greater responsibility to activity around them. An individual now recognises that any attainment is not meant for personal use, with the ‘having’ giving away to the ‘serving with what one has’. How to work ambitiously without personal ambition has been learnt, with structures and boundaries existing without feeling personally limited by them. Having moved from total attachment to the material realm, to total detachment from, wisdom that allows freedom is shared.
3rd STAGE development - The Holy Mother brings nurturing support to all aspects of Humanity, and the Spiritual Liberator serves to guide ‘right’ structure that supports Humanity.
CANCER - Having ‘built’ a firm sense of individuality, an individual’s inherent Mother Principle of compassion and love becomes totally devoted to the welfare of others. An abundance of nurture and support is directed towards establishing strong foundations that are needed for Humanitarian tasks.
CAPRICORN - Now free from inhibiting emotional impulses, an individual’s mind works towards producing altruistic outcomes using an intelligence that divinely inspires practical wisdom. The work undertaken serves to achieve the practical organisation, structure, and responsibility that are needed for the liberation of Humanity.
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